
Publish your site from any device

You can work on your site and even publish it from any device. Imagine you are finding a typo or a more severe error on your page:

Just open Google Docs on your mobile device, change it and republish the site.

Generate the site

To publish your site click on the Run icon in the main toolbar or hit Run in the Run menu.

After starting the app your will be prompted to either generate all or only selected pages. When your documentation is growing you will learn to love the feature to generate only selected pages as it is much faster and will consume less credits of your license.

When generating the site you will see the actions being performed in the console.

When the generation is complete a dialog will open that allows you to open the last generated page in a new browser tab.


If you want to be able to publish your site from a mobile device you should publish your Ultradox flow as a Live App.

Click on App settings in the main toolbar of the Ultradox editor and enable the app. You may want to restrict the app to authenticated users with view permissions.

You can then launch your app by clicking on the Run app button or by simply invoking the URL of your app.

Custom domain

By default the generated online help will be available at<yourfileid>/

Depending on your Ultradox license you can publish the generated documentation right to your own custom domain. Just enter the configured custom domain name into the settings.

Questions and Feedback

If you have any comments on this page, feel free to add suggestions right to the Google document that we are using to generate this page.

Last Updated: 19.01.17

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