
Make it yours!

The provided example can be adjusted in many ways: Not only can you specify your own product name, brand color and other basic settings, but you will also be able to change the page structure, the footer and all other parts of the generated documentation.

This guide will explain the basic configuration options.

Enter product details

The first building block contains a form where you can enter some details about the product.

Enter the name, the URL of your product logo and the landing page of your product.

Make sure that your product logo has a URL that is publically available and has a size of 64 by 64 pixels.

You may also want to specify the URL of a favicon which will then be displayed as an icon in the browser tab. Please use a format that is supported on all major browser (e.g. ico).

Enter your main brand color by either using a valid color name (e.g. orange) or a hex color value (e.g. #fae000).

Full Text Search

If you want to make your help site searchable, configure a Google Custom Search Engine to index the generated site and copy the key into the settings form.

The URL that you want to index will be<yourfileid> if you are using the default setting.

API reference

When generating your documentation you can of course leverage all Ultradox features.

As an example for generating content from structured data we have included an API reference into the example documentation that will be generated from an API definition.

If you are working on an app with a public API defined in Swagger format, you can just paste the public URL of your swagger definition into this form.

When generating your documentation a nice API reference will be generated for you from your definition file.

If you do not need an API reference, feel free to remove the Reference folder.

Configure footer

The site will be generated using an HTML template. You will find the template with the name Product Documentation Template in the example folder on your Google Drive.

When opening the template with Editey you can see the HTML code to generate the footer at the bottom of the page.

Just enter the desired info into the footer or feel free to delete the footer if you do not need it.

Questions and Feedback

If you have any comments on this page, feel free to add suggestions right to the Google document that we are using to generate this page.

Last Updated: 19.01.17

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