Your Product

One line of text why your product is great

Good product documentation is essential for the success of your product.

This page is entry point of your product documentation. It should give a very brief overview of Your Product.

You may also want to cover the different sections of your documentation linked to the different pages.

Adding an appealing video or image of your product will make this page less boring.

Did you notice that this page does not come with a navigation menu on the left or right? This is because the Home folder just contains a single page, so no left navigation menu is required. The menu on the right is hidden, because we have not used any section title formatted with Heading 3.

As a result this page will fill the additional space and becomes a great landing page.

Less pain, more fun

Writing great documentation is hard enough, so the tools you are using should not be an additional burden. With Ultradox you can simply create your documentation by creating folders and documents in Google Drive and then turn it into an online documentation that plays nicely on both desktop and mobile devices.

Check out the Ultradox Help Center as an example: We are sharing with you the same app that we are using ourselves to generate our own product documentation.

Using Google Drive for writing creating your documentation has many advantages:

The navigation of your help site reflects the folder structure on Google Drive. Just add a folder on top level to support a new language or add a subfolder to add an item to the top level navigation.

Using Google Docs for creating the content makes collaboration a breeze - not only with your coworkers but also with your customers: Let them make suggestions to enhance the documentation. You can then harvest, review and publish the changes. It can be done in seconds without any technical expertise required. You can even publish the site on the go.

Based on the content of your documents a navigation menu will be added to quickly jump to sections of interest. A carefully selected set of layout elements will give your documentation a professional look and feel based on analyzing many state-of-the-art online help sites.

Learn more

Questions and Feedback

If you have any comments on this page, feel free to add suggestions right to the Google document that we are using to generate this page.

Last Updated: 06.03.19

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